The end of semester 1 2022….it has been an amazing marathon, and we have all survived the journey.
Thankyou to our staff, students and our amazing Pia families for all your work, ideas and positivity throughout first semester of 2022.
The students have achieved some great things, and this is reflected in some wonderful reports being presented at our end of term assembly last Wednesday. Congratulations to everyone who has put in their best effort over the term.
At the end of this term we farewelled Mr Sean and Miss Melissa, who have now finished their teaching contract here in Pia Wadjarri. They are commencing new adventures, and the first thing they will be doing is enjoying a well-earned 6 months leave from teaching. Sadly, Mr Sean and Miss Melissa unexpectedly became unwell the last few weeks of term and had to leave community early - so unfortunately the students and families did not get to say a proper good bye. We all wish them well for their futures.

With unexpected illness, family commitments and other unforeseen events, there has only been Miss Marea and Miss Susan working at school. The senior students have been absolutely amazing - and on these cold winter mornings have cooked up pots of steaming hot sweet potato and pumpkin soup, pancakes and yummy toasties. The senior girls have taken on a real leadership role to assist Miss Marea with supporting all our junior students. They are to be commended for their maturity and responsible actions.
Earlier this week ‘Bikes For Humanity’ came out to Pia Wadjarri and dropped off bikes for all the children in the community, just in time for holiday adventures.
Miss Marea, led by our senior girls, took the bikes out for a spin around the community and managed to take some inspirational photos of the amazing country around our school.
All these amazing photos were taken by Jaylene when students rode to Rockhole
“Deadly Science” delivered a huge box of Lego to our school last week, and this week our young junior students have worked tirelessly to independently construct many of the models. The work and engagement of our students has been amazing. They have also written and retold stories about their Lego characters during writing sessions. Great work!
We have a very busy term three coming up. Just to keep you updated:
- We will be holding our community NAIDOC celebrations in week 3 of term 3, as well as attending an overnight event for Science week at Murchison Shire on Wednesday 3rd August. A timetable of events will be distributed in week 1 of term 3.
- Staff will be participating in 2 days of staff development on Thursday 28 and Friday 29th of July, so there will be no school for students on those days. There will be a whole community morning tea on Thursday 28th July, where community members will be invited to school to share their ideas and aspirations for future school direction.
- We will be having a whole school camp in Perth in week 9 of term 3 - students will be going to Curtin University and CSIRO (Perth) to participate in geological activities at the University. We are intending to stay on site at the University, and CSIRO and Curtin University are sponsoring our trip.
Have a fabulous holiday. Please stay safe and all enjoy a well- earned rest.
School will commence back for students on Monday 18th July 2022
Susan Trigwell