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Second Term is critical for students to consolidate what they have learnt in first term. I encourage parents and carers to send their children to school and make the most of the teaching that our dedicated teachers are providing every day.
I have completed our School’s Business Plan. This document outlines our business model for the next three years. A point of difference is we will be evaluating our targets at the end of every Term by formative assessment/monitoring and adjusting our focus where required.
Our Business Plan is a narrative of where we are and where we want to be, term by term. First, we diagnosed the stages of development of where our school “is” before we could prescribe a suite of strategies for improvement. Second, I developed a plan using the three stages of pre-conditions as a framework for whole school improvement. I had to ensure:
- Strong leadership with a clear vision and direction for our school;
- High expectations for all students;
- An orderly environment throughout the school where students are well known by staff; and
- A focus on ‘what matters most’
Third, I had to develop my teachers’ capacity to plan better lessons (Explicit Teaching/learning goals and intentions) and work together through peer observation. I challenged teachers to use Explicit teaching and the need for differentiated teaching and learning - building a consistent model of what good teaching actually means to us at Pia school.
The next stage of outlining my schools framework of improvement is involving teachers to use assessment data and student observations; providing a comprehensive picture of what makes a difference to our students’ learning. Currently, teachers are using ACER on-line assessment to guide our instruction and knowledge of where students are in relation to meeting their learning needs.
Further, our Business Plan is about applying our new strategic approach and asking the question ‘where should we seek to be more consistent next?’ Our school’s targets and prioritised initiatives constantly ask this question. In the classroom the systematic use of data enables teachers to know their students well and to know what and how to teach.
Making things happen at Pia School depends on knowing where to start and how. This requires me as Principal to determine where the school is at; where Pia School’s strategic challenge is; and seek and be guided from a range of potential strategies that can be adopted in response. I believe we have got off to a good start.
This week is the beginning of NAPLAN. Students have tried very hard with these assessments and I congratulate them on their resilience to start and complete this work. Students who are away have an opportunity, next week, to complete their assessments.
Mrs Sonia Nelson visited our school on Monday and Tuesday, along with our school psychologist Miss Alana Bech. Thank-you Sonia for Chairing our Finance meeting and Alana for your input regarding students and discussing professional development courses that will be available soon. The teachers’ appreciated an opportunity to talk with you.
Flood Proof Houses
As part of STEM this term one of our challenges was to design and build a house that would survive the recently flooded areas of Queensland. We researched the flood and saw its impact. We then discussed the houses that were underwater and how we might build a ‘flood proof’ house. We then paired up and got to work designing and building their houses with Lego. They are very proud of their creations and have been adding to them during the days that followed. Some students used the big Duplo blocks and some students used the smaller Lego. The kids shared their houses with each other and most houses were raised and got the idea of being ‘flood proof’.

Thank you from Jennifer to the Community, School Staff and Students for your warm welcome. It is really enjoyable getting to know each student and to be able to help them with their learning.
I've introduced hand-sewing to make a sampler ie: stitching a sea, threading a needle etc. All the children have enjoyed the experience and widened their vocabulary and use of words.

Other topics covered have been music notation and the recognition of note values; reading notes within bar music; clapping note values and at the same time tapping time signature ie:3/4 time.

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Geraldton WA 6530
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