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As we are nearing the end of my first term at Pia, I have started to reflect on all the amazing things we have done this term. For such a quiet little community we have definitely been busy. Lets recap on a few of the events we have had so far.
Week 1 - It started off with a visit from Bardiyarra language centre.
Week 2 - A CSIRO visit to Boolardy and them doing some science workshops with us, and Community cooking.
Week 3 - We went seed collecting for bush tucker plants at Boolardy and Wooleen Stations.
Week 4 - We celebrated Outdoor Classrooms Week and Community cooking.
Week 5 - Was a normal week.
Week 6 - Community Cooking and Assembly with sausage sizzle. We welcomed Bradley Barbuto as the gardener as well as working in the classroom. Bradley is joined by his family Lulu, Brendan, Dominic and Bronte.
Week 7 - Was the Cultural Camp.
Week 8 - The TLG stayed the week, and Community cooking.
Week 9 - We had our Rewards Day at Mullewa Swimming Pool
Week 10 [this week] - We have a huge Community cook up for Maddison's Graduation and the Pia School Awards Night on Tuesday the 17 Dec.
I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of our busy schedule and look forward to the new year.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Julie Ryan for being nominated for the Midwest Excellence in Education Awards. She is such a dedicated person and it is with great appreciation and respect that I nominated her for this years award. Thank you Julie for all your hard work in our school.
Her nomination reads:
Pia Wadjarri Remote Community School
Julie Ryan
AIEO and Education Assistant
Julie is an exceptional role model who
shows steadfast commitment, giving
above and beyond her expected role.
She works tirelessly, demonstrating
culture and assisting in Early Childhood.
As we draw to a close for this year I would like to wish each and every person a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
Please be careful on the roads and around the community over the Christmas break, and I hope you have a holiday filled with lots of love, fun and laughter.
Just a few reminders for the commencement of next year.
27 January - Principal starts [I will be back at the wheel].
30 January - Teachers, EA's and AEIO's start for Professional learning and orientation for the new year. * There will be a lot of changes happening so you need to be here!
3 February - Students start.
Fiona Tamminga
Congratulations to the Senior Students for their Talk for Writing efforts this Term. The first half of the Term Explanation writing was our class focus. The idea of writing an explanation sounds easy but everyone found it difficult at first. But over time with lots of practice, Text Mapping, shared writing, boxing up features and structures and listening to exemplary texts most of the senior class established a good understanding of how to write an explanation.
Flory and Jahlile excelled in their Hot Task for their final explanation writing assessment. Both used connectives effectively.

The second half of the Term was dedicated to discussion writing. This is a subtle form of writing where students have to consider both sides of an argument, weigh up evidence and come to a reasoned conclusion. A special congratulations to Brendon Sahara who started at Pia the week we started our discussion curriculum. He wrote outstandingly well. He wrote complex sentences, and enjoyed his work, Well Done Brendon.

Our school has implemented Explicit Teaching as our main teaching strategy. In the senior room, I use Explicit Teaching in my maths sessions to focus hard on a specific math topics. For example, strands I have covered include adding simple fractions, mixed fractions, place value, and finding an average. These areas cover the Western Australian Maths Curriculum. I believe Explicit Teaching focusses students’ attention and is an excellent formative assessment classroom instrument.

Thrass has been Pia schools major drive for English. The morning sessions in the senior class are dedicated to sounds, spelling, writing sentences and reading. Students are required to spell and sound words continually. Importantly, there is a requirement for students to code-switch. That is, they need to recognise the English they use at school is different to the English they use at home.

The end of Term is very busy. In week 9 there will be assessments in both English and maths. This will enable us to identify strengths of my students and areas where they require assistance.
Senior Class Teacher
The book corner in the junior class is a favourite place for students to hang out and read in. We have levelled readers as well as general readers in there. The most liked books are Paul Jennings’ Rascal the Dragon books. We have read them all hundreds of times and the little kids can often be seen sitting with a Rascal book role playing their reading.
We have been 3D designing and printing this semester and we are getting much better at it. We use Makers Empire to design 3D objects on the iPads and computers and then if they are good enough, we send them to the printer. Our latest big print was a Minecraft Ender Dragon that we downloaded from Pretty soon every house will have a 3D printer and we will be printing all manner of things.
In the junior room our art area is full of boxes and artworks from the students. We really encourage painting and creating artworks. Lately we have been using stencils and stamps with our paintings. The boxes are perfect for creating all kinds of ideas and we go through a fair bit of tape and hot glue!
We recently got a new BIG Touch Screen for the junior kids. It’s perfect for working together on Reading Eggs and Mathseeds and really allows Nan Julie to keep them on track. It’s great to see the kids working together on the lessons and questions and sharing ideas.
These are completed HOT TASKS final assessment for ‘Discussion writing’ ( Talk 4 Writing) by Senior Class Students. Term 4, 2019.
Well done everyone.
Florrenza Merry
Animals make good pets because they are cute and fluffy. I think that pets are good and nice. Since we have pets we like to play with them and run around with the . Also take them for a walk around the community. So now that we git pets we want to keep them and they can follow us and play with us.
Jahlile Merry
Yes animals make good pets because you can play with them. Looking at this from both sides some people don’t like pets. However, people are wrong about pets because we all love them. It might be thought pets can wreck your stuff.
Finally, I think pets can be a loving animal in this world.
Brendon Sahara
Yes, I think so, but if you wouldn’t want to have animals as a pet, then you wouldn’t have a pet at all. I think this because;
- you can’t have a human as a pet no such thing that would be weird
- I you have a pet cat, then that’s an animal, so if you say that animals don’t make good pets, then you wouldn’t have one at all.
Anyway continuing from the main idea, I think they make great companions (AKA: Pets),
- They calm you down when you feel anxious, depressed or frustrated. Truth known petting your cat or dog, or watching your bird frogs or fish, is one of the calming strategies.
- They are sometimes useful when you train them for example a dog when its trained, it can get help and save you or maybe a frog could eat all the cockroaches and flys and other pests.
- for my last reason some are fun to have. When you’re bored you could play with it or feed it, make it happy and entertain yourself all at the same time.
In conclusion. I say that they are good to have in your life, but other people might disagree with me. But I’m suggesting you all have one.
Nathan Merry
Yes animals do make good pets like our cocky bird, but he is friendly but sometimes he is angry when he gets annoyed from kids. The kids love him and he makes the kids laugh and he gets sad when we pat him. So he is actually soft hearted because he is still a baby but hopefully he meets a mate because I love cock bird. That’s why I want more birds cause they are bets pets I think.
Since we had cocky boy he loves us and I think he loves all the dogs that live at the house. But he has to get used to the cats that live around the house. This enabled him to fly off and come back to the house in twenty minutes. He only eats warm bread.
Kadell Simpson
Yes! Cats and dogs make good pets. Because pets are kind and loved with kindness pets in the world. My pets are loved with all my heart. Me and my dog play –fight all the time.
We will be celebrating Maddy's graduation and end of year awards on Tuesday 17 December, 2019 commencing at 6pm. Cost is free to attend and the dress code is smart casual.
Parents and community members will be cooking up a feast for the evening during our Community Cooking session that afternoon.
We look forward to seeing you all attend and support your children as they rejoice in the successes of year - a lovely way to end the term and farewell Maddison.
Week 7, Term 4 | Monday 23 - Friday 27 November | TLG Visit |
Wednesday 25 November | School Disco | |
Week 8, Term 4 | Friday 4 December | Mullewa Pool |
Week 9, Term 4 | Monday 7 December | Tennis at Yalgoo |
Tuesday 8 - Thursday 10 December | Excursion to Cue PS | |
Week 10, Term 4 | Monday 14 December | End of Year Assembly / Awards |
Thursday 17 December | End of term 4 | |
Week 1, Term 1 | Monday 2 February 2021 | Term 1 commences for students |
18 Chapman Road
Geraldton WA 6530
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